The crest and the motto adopted by the Acharya Nagarjuna University represent the creative essence of Indian culture oriented to the contemporary aspirations. The symbolism is based on the concept that all human excellence proceeds from truth and culminates in truth. The individual symbols in the crest are emblematically related to one another so as to suggest the upward evolution of the life force from material plenitude and manifest reality towards spiritual magnificence and universal consciousness. The young initiated into knowledge at the University shall achieve identity, growth, self-differentiation and fulfillment in the various ascensions of intellectual and spiritual states shown in the symbolic scheme of the crest.
The vase of plenty (PURNA-GHATA) is a prototype from the Amaravati sculpture of the early centuries of the Christian era. It stands for material prosperity on the one hand and objective knowledge on the other. Its traditional attributes are sasya (fertility), santana (increase), sampat (prosperity) and samriddhi (plenitude). The vase is also a paradigmatic representation of the Universe and the creative cycle according to ancient Indian scriptures. Its face is Vishnu, the sustainer; its neck is Rudra, the apocalyptic transformer; its base is Brahma, the creator.
Arising out of the superabundant water of life sprouting from purna ghata and transcending the mundane level, illuminated by the resplendent halo of the Sun, is the freshly blossoming Lotus. The pool of waters (manasa sarovara) symbolizes the creative. On the apex are the dharma-chakra and the Lotus representing the creative readiness of the mind to respond to the summons of the creative evolution symbolized by the solar orb.
On the apex are the dharma-chakra (the wheel of eternal law) flanked by harinas (deer), overarched by the visva-padma (the cosmic Lotus) flanked by makaras (symbols of the cosmic consciousness). The dharma chakra is reminiscent not only of rita but also of the Buddhas promulgation of the law (dharma chakrapravartana). The deers, too, have a two-fold connotation. On the one had, they represent beautitude, and on the other, the highest point of universal consciousness.
The motto, Satye Sarvam Pratishtitam is an epigrammatic representation of the entire symbolism of the crest. It is singularly appropriate to the ideals and functions of the University which is dedicated to the pursuit of truth which is the ultimate abode of all.