Dr. Saraswathi Raju Iyer Acharya Nagarjuna University  Acharya Nagarjuna University

Community Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our Vision

      Centre for Community Social Responsibility of Acharya Nagarjuna University affirms its commitment to empower the society by providing awareness on social issues, problems, resources, education, capacity building programs, skills training. The Centre has a special focus on the socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of the population.

Our Mission

      Centre for Community Social Responsibility of Acharya Nagarjuna University is committed to promote empowerment of the society. It began its functioning in the university with a mission to provide a platform for the holistic development of the society. The Centre believes that self-reliance and not dependence is the key to a life with dignity and self-respect. It is this belief that gave birth to the Centre. The Centre tries to reach the various sections of the population through various activities.

Our Objectives

  • To create awareness of self-worth and dignity of the individuals.
  • To create awareness on various social issues to different groups of the society.
  • To become conscious and help the underprivileged people around us.
  • Net working with Government & NGO for undertaking various community outreach and extension activities.
  • To provide facilities for improving the conditions of life specifically for the poorer sections of society.
  • To stimulate self-reliance and self-development in local communities.
  • To encourage, train and enable local people to assume community responsibilities.
  • To encourage all segments of society, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or economic situation to cooperate on long-term development.

Background of the Centre

      The purpose of the Centre for Community Social Responsibility is to get exposed at a grass root level to urban and rural Indian communities and at the same time learn about the challenges that these communities face and in turn help them in the process of empowerment.