Acharya Nagarjuna University


  • Parents/guardians are presumed to have agreed to the rules when their wards join the college and sign the declaration to the effect on the admission forms.
  • Attendance in all lectures, tutorials tests, internal assessments and examinations is compulsory. The students shall abide by the undertaking signed by them that a minimum attendance of 75 per cent in each subjects and each term is compulsory.
  • Every student must wear the valid Identity Card, when in the college premises. They must maintain silence during the lectures and must not loiter in the corridors when lectures are being conducted.
  • Resorting to ragging, smoking, consumption of alcoholic drinks, intoxicants and narcotic drugs are acts of indiscipline, therefore they are strictly prohibited
  • An act which causes destruction or defacing of the property of the college or organizing raids or breaking into the college premises is an act of indiscipline liable for punishment.
  • In case of violation of rules, the concerned will invite punishment in the form of cancellation of admission or/and rustication from the college.